The 7 Life Principles To Be Grateful For In 2024
As the year winds down, it’s an ideal time to reflect on our lives and plan for the future. The goal is not setting goals or making resolutions. Instead, it’s about cha
How Do We Find Strength in Uncertainty?
In September, everything was going well for me. Then, a moment came that disrupted my momentum. Situations are often out of our hands. Yet, how we respond shapes our future. I have
How To Be Your Own Best Advocate: A Comprehensive Guide
You are not just worthy of greatness; you are designed for it. This isn’t a cheesy line from a motivational poster. It’s a mantra you should start living by. Most peopl
Are expectations too high?
In the unfolding story of our lives, the expectations we have can really shape our journey. In my work that focuses on creativity and connecting with others, I often find myself re
Growing Beyond The Syllabus In Life
Ever wake up, look at your life, and feel like you are just following the instructions on a cooking recipe? Not going to lie but I have felt this many times. But, there is nothing
The Passion Pitfall: How Your Obsession Might Be Your Obstacle
We have all heard the age-old advice: "Follow your passion." It's a mantra echoed in every career guidance session, every self-help book, and every graduation speech. However, as I
Do people have a right to be happy or do they need others’ consent to own it?
The Dependency Dilemma Have you ever stopped to ponder why we lean so heavily on the judgments of others to validate our own joy? Ironically, while we all celebrate the idea of ind