How Do We Find Strength in Uncertainty?

LifeHow Do We Find Strength in Uncertainty?
Blog on How Do We Find Strength in Uncertainty?

How Do We Find Strength in Uncertainty?

In September, everything was going well for me. Then, a moment came that disrupted my momentum.

Situations are often out of our hands. Yet, how we respond shapes our future. 

I have given up the idea of cribbing long back. I know it yields no results and keeps us in the same situation.

Now in a few days we will be in 2024. You may say that we must leave all that behind but that’s not something all us can do. Even the smartest and most successful people have trouble in dealing with the downfall.

The anxiety and depression is for real. It is a matter of fact that everyone can’t deal with it in the same spirit and live a usual good life or times they were having.

I was happy before it happened. I didn’t think things would get worse. But life is like that sometimes. You have to accept the hard times.

The only silver lining was that I won the year’s podcast award, which lifted my spirits. I hoped for a different celebration. Yet, deep down, everything felt overwhelming. 

So, if you are going through something in your life, travel away from the people who know you for sometime. Sit with your thoughts and check your situation. Then change for the better.

I had negative thoughts all the time of the day. I struggled with my sleep. I stayed up late on my phone. I avoided risks and hesitated to share my problems. But I learned it takes courage to stand up for oneself.

It is not the end of the world. So, if you are going through something in your life, travel away from the people who know you for sometime. Sit with your thoughts and check your situation. Then change for the better

How often do you think of giving up on our journey rather than making amends and flourishing? Very often. Often in my life, I had the habit of giving up on certain situations and goals. What was the resultant output? Jack of all but master of none. 

I am no longer itching to be the master of one because people generalize. They have the tendency to call out or cancel the person. But, when you are able to do many things, they take us to the rabbit hole of doing a lot as well.

To be honest, I am no longer bothered about what others have to say. In today’s tough world, people often jump to conclusions and negativity is common. People have learnt the skill of ‘Fault Finding’. Let them do their task.

When I asked, ‘what do I owe to myself?’ I had many answers to it. I owe it to myself to be consistent, focused, and disciplined. I could not have made progress post that work fiasco. You can’t take anything and everything personally.

Mental wellness is very important. We are destined to witness more success. Who are we impressing? I hope you say ‘no one’. People have got ego.

There are few people who are happy about good things in our life but there are few who will redirect us to achieve more. More for yourself! More of what you want! More of what’s better!

They will tell you can’t make it because they didn’t make it. I have renewed my mantra for life. I am now worried about what would happen if I don’t take a leap of faith. I did my best to manage the situation. Yet, when my efforts weren’t recognized, I had to speak up. Making decisions to safeguard my mental health became necessary. Money can’t always buy you happiness or we are finding it in the wrong place.

Having said all this, I now wish to live my life in a more meaningful way. And, it’s ok if you still don’t do fancy things to get out of the mess.

Here’s my reminder for you all:

♥ It is okay if the only thing you do today is BREATHE 

♥ Your value is NOT attached to how much you can do in a day. 

♥ Your emotions are valid and you do not have to explain yourself to anyone. 

♥ It is okay to not be okay.

♥ You are doing the best that you can, even on the days it feels like you aren’t.

Sometimes you end up in places you never thought you’d be in, to develop strength you never thought you had. Trust the process! It’s not about how big the first step is. What matters is that you take the first step. If you keep going and decide not to stop, everything will work out.

I hope you find strength in all the adversities. You achieve your goals and may you cheer louder on your own wins. Life is short, don’t live it like an option. 



Do watch this podcast episode if you feel that you are missing out and if you want to boost your confidence and well-being where I hosted Jasmine Navarro, Well-Being Expert.

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